Naturium Skincare: a brand overview

I am always in search of affordable skincare that doesn’t compromise on ingredients or rely on marketing gimmicks to get my attention. When I happened upon Naturium skincare at Target I was immediately intrigued because they show ingredients and percentages on the label of their products. Skincare nerd alert activated! This is (sadly) a bit unusual for skincare brands.  Many brands just give their products a catchy title, like “the glow maker” and expect me to trust it will give me glowing skin. HOW will it give me glowing skin? With WHAT ingredients? I am a fan of any brand that tells me what ingredients, and in what percentage I’m getting them, on the FRONT of the package.  

BHA Liquid Exfoliant 2% was one of the first products to catch my eye as being comparable to the holy grail Paula’s Choice 2% BHA exfoliant.

Lets do a quick run down of things to know about Naturium. You can read more about them directly from their website here.

  • They do not test on animals
  • They emphasize “biocompatible skincare”. Biocompatible means their ingredients are effective and compatible with your skin. (ie: they don’t cause irritation or disrupt the skin barrier)
  • They care about the efficacy of formulations and are transparent about ingredient percentages (my favorite thing about them!)
  • They believe in responsible sourcing of natural ingredients and their products are produced in the U.S.
  • They believe in sustainable and recyclable packaging

A quick look at the Naturium website showed me they were serious about product formulation and transparency. The first product I tried was the BHA 2% liquid exfoliant. BHA exfoliants are oil soluble and able to penetrate the surface of the skin moving deep into pores to dissolve dead skin cells, bacteria, and oils that produce acne. This product is a gentle exfoliant, great for oily skin to treat and prevent acne, but it also works to reduce fine lines and uneven texture over time.

10% Azelaic Acid is great for treating Acne and Rosacea. Hyaluronic Acid attracts water molecules making it a potent skin hydrating ingredient.

My favorite sentence on their website can be found in the section titled “Our Manifesto”, where they state the following, “We believe that not all natural ingredients are good and not all synthetic ingredients are bad”. I am becoming so very tired of the “clean beauty” fear mongering that goes on in the beauty industry. To be clear, the term “clean beauty” is not regulated by the FDA or any other governing organization. Any brand can make up their own set of standards and then decide to call themselves “clean”. Thus it is left up to the consumer to understand and decode all the marketing jargon on product packaging and brand websites. Caroline Hirons expertly explains the “clean beauty” phenomenon extensively in her book skin care , and I highly recommend picking up a copy of her book.

I have repurchased the Mixed Greens Nutrient Rich cleanser multiple times. If you love Aveda’s botanical kinetics cleanser chances are you’ll love this as well for 1/4 of the price.

Overall, I am so impressed with Naturium. They have done well what many budget friendly bands fail to do. Their products are beautifully and sustainably packaged while also being effective and enjoyable (dare I say luxurious?) to use. Have you tried any Naturium products yet? I would love to hear your thoughts on them if you have!